#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2018 R. Diez - Licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail abort () { echo >&2 && echo "Error in script \"$0\": $*" >&2 exit 1 } replace_string_in_files () { local DIR="$1" local STRING_TO_REPLACE="$2" local REPLACEMENT_STRING="$3" find "$DIR" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "s;$STRING_TO_REPLACE;$REPLACEMENT_STRING;g" } read_uptime_as_integer () { local PROC_UPTIME_CONTENTS PROC_UPTIME_CONTENTS="$( 0 )); then ELAPSED_TIME_STR="$V hours, $ELAPSED_TIME_STR" fi printf -v ELAPSED_TIME_STR "%s (%'d seconds)" "$ELAPSED_TIME_STR" "$SECONDS" } get_site_log_filename () { local TEMPLATE_NAME="$1" local SITE_CODE="$2" LOG_FILENAME="$SANDBOX_DIR/assembled/$TEMPLATE_NAME/$SITE_CODE/build.log" } SBRANCH="$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)" # ffdus-hack: firmware-id ohne minute, dafür mit branch-namen sitename=$(head -1 $1|cut -d" " -f3) if [ "$sitename" == "dus" ] || \ [ "$sitename" == "duskey" ] || \ [ "$sitename" == "dusl2tp" ] || \ [ "$sitename" == "dusl2tpkey" ] || \ [ "$sitename" == "ffgmb" ] || \ [ "$sitename" == "ffmrh" ] || \ [ "$sitename" == "ffwip" ] || \ [ "$sitename" == "ffbar" ] || \ [ "$sitename" == "ffmz" ] || \ [ "$sitename" == "ffmzkey" ] || \ [ "$sitename" == "sisi" ] || \ [ "$sitename" == "sihb" ] || \ [ "$sitename" == "sifb" ] ; then SBRANCH="$(date +%Y%m%d%H)-$(head -1 $1|cut -c1-3)" fi generate_site_config () { local RELBRANCH="$1" local TEMPLATE_NAME="$2" local SITE_CODE="$3" echo "Generating site $SITE_CODE..." local DIR="assembled/$TEMPLATE_NAME/$SITE_CODE" mkdir -p "assembled/$TEMPLATE_NAME" cp -r "templates/$TEMPLATE_NAME" "$DIR" replace_string_in_files "$DIR" SITECODE "$SITE_CODE" replace_string_in_files "$DIR" RELBRANCH "$RELBRANCH" replace_string_in_files "$DIR" SBRANCH "$SBRANCH" # Create the log file, or truncate it if it already exists. get_site_log_filename "$TEMPLATE_NAME" "$SITE_CODE" echo -n "" >"$LOG_FILENAME" } generate_all_site_configs () { echo "Generating sites for sbranch $SBRANCH ..." rm -rf assembled local -i index for (( index=0; index < ${#ALL_SITE_RELBRANCHES[@]}; index += 1 )); do generate_site_config "${ALL_SITE_RELBRANCHES[$index]}" \ "${ALL_SITE_TEMPLATE_NAMES[$index]}" \ "${ALL_SITE_CODES[$index]}" done echo "Finished generating sites." } append_quoted_arg () { local APPEND_TO_VAR_NAME="$1" local APPEND_ARG_NAME="$2" local APPEND_PATH="$3" printf -v "$APPEND_TO_VAR_NAME" "%s $APPEND_ARG_NAME=%q" "${!APPEND_TO_VAR_NAME}" "$APPEND_PATH" } build_images_for_site () { local RELBRANCH="$1" local TEMPLATE_NAME="$2" local SITE_CODE="$3" local -i target_index local TARGET local ARGS="" append_quoted_arg ARGS GLUON_SITEDIR "$SANDBOX_DIR/assembled/$TEMPLATE_NAME/$SITE_CODE" append_quoted_arg ARGS GLUON_IMAGEDIR "$SANDBOX_DIR/images/$TEMPLATE_NAME/$SITE_CODE" append_quoted_arg ARGS GLUON_MODULEDIR "$SANDBOX_DIR/gluon/output/modules" append_quoted_arg ARGS GLUON_PACKAGEDIR "$SANDBOX_DIR/gluon/output/packages" append_quoted_arg ARGS GLUON_SITE_VERSION $(date +%Y%m%d) # For the Gluon build system, BROKEN=1 means "use the experimental/unstable branch". append_quoted_arg ARGS BROKEN "1" # verbose logs # append_quoted_arg ARGS v "s" # append_quoted_arg ARGS BUILD_LOG "1" # Setting GLUON_BRANCH enables the firmware autoupdater. append_quoted_arg ARGS GLUON_BRANCH "$RELBRANCH" # Parameters for setting buildbot signatures local SIGN_ARGS="" SIGN_ARGS+=" $(cat $SANDBOX_DIR/buildkey/untrustworthy-buildbot-signkey.priv)" SIGN_ARGS+=" $SANDBOX_DIR/images/$TEMPLATE_NAME/$SITE_CODE/sysupgrade/$RELBRANCH.manifest" local MAKE_CMD local SIGN_CMD local PREPARED_FILENAME="$SANDBOX_DIR/.prepared" local PREPARED_CONTENTS if [ -f "PREPARED_FILENAME" ]; then PREPARED_CONTENTS=$(<"$PREPARED_FILENAME") rm -- "$PREPARED_FILENAME" else PREPARED_CONTENTS="" fi if [[ "$PREPARED_CONTENTS" != "$TEMPLATE_NAME" ]]; then # git reset --hard $2 echo "Gluon make update..." printf -v MAKE_CMD "make update %s" "$ARGS" echo "$MAKE_CMD" eval "$MAKE_CMD" for (( target_index=0; target_index < ${#TARGETS[@]}; target_index += 1 )); do TARGET="${TARGETS[target_index]}" if false; then echo "Cleaning the firmware for site code: $SITE_CODE, target: $TARGET ..." printf -v MAKE_CMD "make clean GLUON_TARGET=%q %s" "$TARGET" "$ARGS" echo "$MAKE_CMD" eval "$MAKE_CMD" fi done echo "Site prepare.sh ..." "$SANDBOX_DIR/assembled/$TEMPLATE_NAME/$SITE_CODE/prepare.sh" fi local MAKE_J_VAL MAKE_J_VAL="$(( $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) + 1 ))" # only 1 cpu core to use # MAKE_J_VAL=1 for (( target_index=0; target_index < ${#TARGETS[@]}; target_index += 1 )); do TARGET="${TARGETS[target_index]}" echo "Building the firmware for site code: $SITE_CODE, target: $TARGET ..." printf -v MAKE_CMD "make GLUON_TARGET=%q" "$TARGET" # For the Gluon build system, V=s means generate a full build log (show build commands, compiler warnings etc.). MAKE_CMD+=" V=s" MAKE_CMD+=" $ARGS" MAKE_CMD+=" -j $MAKE_J_VAL --output-sync=recurse" echo "$MAKE_CMD" eval "$MAKE_CMD" done echo "$TEMPLATE_NAME" > "$PREPARED_FILENAME" echo "Making manifest..." printf -v MAKE_CMD "make manifest %s" "$ARGS" echo "$MAKE_CMD" eval "$MAKE_CMD" printf -v SIGN_CMD "$SANDBOX_DIR/esign $SIGN_ARGS" echo "$SIGN_CMD" eval "$SIGN_CMD" local SITE_IMAGE_DIR="$SANDBOX_DIR/images/$TEMPLATE_NAME/$SITE_CODE/site" echo "Copying build result to \"$SITE_IMAGE_DIR\" ..." # This directory may already exist from a previous run. mkdir --parents -- "$SITE_IMAGE_DIR" rsync --archive "$SANDBOX_DIR/assembled/$TEMPLATE_NAME/$SITE_CODE/" --exclude '*.old' --exclude '*.backup' --exclude '*~' --exclude '*.nonworking' "$SITE_IMAGE_DIR" cp -- "$SANDBOX_DIR/build.sh" "$SITE_IMAGE_DIR/" } build_all_images () { local -a TARGETS=("$@") if (( ${#TARGETS[@]} == 0 )); then TARGETS+=( ramips-rt305x ) #fails if inital run is done with j=1 TARGETS+=( mvebu-cortexa9 ) #fails on 2019.1.1 if ramips-rt305x is not built in the same run TARGETS+=( ar71xx-generic ) TARGETS+=( ar71xx-tiny ) TARGETS+=( ar71xx-nand ) TARGETS+=( brcm2708-bcm2708 ) TARGETS+=( brcm2708-bcm2709 ) TARGETS+=( mpc85xx-generic ) TARGETS+=( ramips-mt7621 ) TARGETS+=( sunxi-cortexa7 ) TARGETS+=( x86-generic ) TARGETS+=( x86-geode ) TARGETS+=( x86-64 ) TARGETS+=( ipq40xx ) TARGETS+=( ramips-mt7620 ) TARGETS+=( ramips-mt76x8 ) TARGETS+=( ar71xx-mikrotik ) TARGETS+=( brcm2708-bcm2710 ) TARGETS+=( ipq806x ) fi pushd "$GLUON_DIR" >/dev/null echo "Git fetching..." git fetch --all local -i index for (( index=0; index < ${#ALL_SITE_RELBRANCHES[@]}; index += 1 )); do get_site_log_filename "${ALL_SITE_TEMPLATE_NAMES[$index]}" "${ALL_SITE_CODES[$index]}" echo "Building the firmware for site code ${ALL_SITE_CODES[$index]} ..." echo "The site build log file is: $LOG_FILENAME" local UPTIME read_uptime_as_integer local SITE_UPTIME_BEGIN="$UPTIME" { build_images_for_site "${ALL_SITE_RELBRANCHES[$index]}" \ "${ALL_SITE_TEMPLATE_NAMES[$index]}" \ "${ALL_SITE_CODES[$index]}" } 2>&1 | tee --append -- "$LOG_FILENAME" # The whole build takes a long time. By recording the build time for each site, # it is easier to measure any impact on the the build performance after # making changes to the build system. read_uptime_as_integer local ELAPSED_TIME_STR get_human_friendly_elapsed_time "$(( UPTIME - SITE_UPTIME_BEGIN ))" echo "Finished building the firmware for site code ${ALL_SITE_CODES[$index]}. Elapsed time: $ELAPSED_TIME_STR." # We could compress the log file here, but it is not worth it. # It saves little space compared to the rest of the generated files, # and it makes it more inconvenient to open the log file. if false; then gzip --best -- "$LOG_FILENAME" fi done popd >/dev/null # rename output to images with timestamp mv "./images" "./images-$DATE_SUFFIX" # I do not think that we build any modules yet. # echo check for modules # if [ -d "./gluon/output/modules" ]; then # ARE_THERE_MODULES=true # else # ARE_THERE_MODULES=false # fi # if $ARE_THERE_MODULES; then # echo moving modules-dir $SANDBOX_DIR/gluon/output/modules # mv "$SANDBOX_DIR/gluon/output/modules" "$SANDBOX_DIR/images-$DATE_SUFFIX/." # fi echo check for packages wich are actual modules if [ -d "./gluon/output/packages" ]; then ARE_THERE_PACKAGES=true else ARE_THERE_PACKAGES=false fi if $ARE_THERE_PACKAGES; then echo moving packages-dir $SANDBOX_DIR/gluon/output/packages mv "$SANDBOX_DIR/gluon/output/packages" "$SANDBOX_DIR/images-$DATE_SUFFIX/." fi echo "Finished building images:" echo "- Images dir: images-$DATE_SUFFIX" if $ARE_THERE_MODULES; then echo "- Modules dir: modules-$DATE_SUFFIX/modules" fi if $ARE_THERE_PACKAGES; then echo "- Packages dir: modules-$DATE_SUFFIX/packages" fi } declare -a ALL_SITE_RELBRANCHES=() declare -a ALL_SITE_GIT_BRANCHES=() # TODO: Not used at the moment. declare -a ALL_SITE_TEMPLATE_NAMES=() declare -a ALL_SITE_CODES=() parse_sites_file () { local FILENAME="$1" local LINE local COMPONENTS while read -r LINE; do # We could allow comments in the file. Here we would remove them. if [ -z "$LINE" ] || [ "$(echo $LINE|cut -c1)" == "#" ] ; then continue fi IFS=$' \t' read -r -a COMPONENTS <<< "$LINE" if (( ${#COMPONENTS[@]} != 4 )); then abort "Syntax error parsing this line: $LINE" fi ALL_SITE_RELBRANCHES+=( "${COMPONENTS[0]}" ) ALL_SITE_GIT_BRANCHES+=( "${COMPONENTS[1]}" ) ALL_SITE_TEMPLATE_NAMES+=( "${COMPONENTS[2]}" ) ALL_SITE_CODES+=( "${COMPONENTS[3]}" ) done < "$FILENAME" if (( ${#ALL_SITE_RELBRANCHES[@]} == 0 )); then abort "Could not read any sites from the sites file." fi } # ----------- Entry point ----------- if (( $# == 0 )); then echo "Usage: build.sh [target1] [target2] [...]" exit 0 fi if ! [ -f "$1" ]; then abort "File \"$1\" does not exist." fi parse_sites_file "$1" SANDBOX_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" generate_all_site_configs GLUON_DIR="$SANDBOX_DIR/gluon" DATE_SUFFIX="$(date +%s)" shift build_all_images "$@"